TrueNAS + Nextcloud - your own private cloud


An alternative to commercial clouds. Store and share files, calendar or photos.

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How to install Nextcloud on TrueNAS Core server? How to get started with your own cloud as an alternative to Google Gmail, Google G Drive? I'll show how to install Nextcloud based on TrueNAS, and how to install the client on each computer so that it can be used very gracefully.

At the outset, I wanted to mention that I am recording the instruction on Trunas 120U6 in April 2022. I say this because some time ago this installation of NextCloud went differently, so this is important, this can also change, some details can change, so I point out that this is important.

The NextCloud project itself incredibly cool, as an alternative to file storage, as a communicator to access your files via phone, computer, file sharing. Sensational thing, it is an open source project, quite interesting, I recommend because I just use, I find it very cool.

To find out what the installation looks like, I invite you to watch the entire video on my YouTube channel.