
IT for everyone

TrueNAS 24.10 Electric Eel - Application management, docker compose

TrueNAS Scale 24.10 simplifies container management by replacing Kubernetes with default support for Docker Compose. This makes setting up and debugging applications easier. Users can install applications from the TrueNAS catalog or deploy their own containers, controlling them through the GUI and CLI. The system allows convenient management of application data through volumes. Advanced tools such as docker inspect, docker exec and docker logs make it easy to diagnose problems. TrueNAS Scale 24.10 eliminates unnecessary complexity and gives users more freedom.

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IT for everyone

News in TrueNAS 24.10 Electric Eel - What is worth knowing?

Managing multiple XCP-ng hosts has never been so easy! With this script by Roni Väyrynen, you can install Xen Orchestra in minutes and enjoy full control over your virtualization infrastructure. In the article you will find detailed instructions, system requirements and useful commands that will make the whole process easier for you. You'll also learn how to import a configuration from an older version and how to secure access via HTTPS. Click through and see how to improve your IT environment!

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IT for everyone

Introduction to HA clusters in XCP-ng

HA in XCP-ng is the pooling of servers, enabling them to be managed as a whole and providing resilience to node failures. A minimum of three nodes is required for full redundancy and to avoid "split brain."

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IT for everyone

XCP-NG 8.3 released

Already on October 7, 2024, the world of virtualization has been enriched with the new version of XCP-ng 8.3 Standard Release! We have already managed to run the first updates and are intensively testing the new functionalities. This release promises to be really interesting - it works great and introduces interesting capabilities. Check out what the new XCP-ng 8.3 offers and why you should try it out!

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IT for everyone

XEN-ORCHESTRA - automatic installation from sources.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCbnQl79Sfw Automatyczna instalacja Xen Orchestra z wykorzystaniem skryptu Roni Väyrynen Wprowadzenie Jeśli posiadasz serwery wirtualizacyjne XCP-ng i zarządzasz wieloma maszynami wirtualnymi, warto skorzystać z narzędzia,

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IT for everyone

Overlay VPN vs Standard VPN

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eN8IeSvrGnE W dzisiejszym materiale opowiem o Overlay VPN. Przykłady takich sieci to NetBeard, ZeroTier oraz coraz bardziej popularny TailScale, którym posłużymy się jako przykładem. Nie

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