Kategoria: TrueNAS

IT for everyone

TrueNAS 24.10 Electric Eel - Application management, docker compose

TrueNAS Scale 24.10 simplifies container management by replacing Kubernetes with default support for Docker Compose. This makes setting up and debugging applications easier. Users can install applications from the TrueNAS catalog or deploy their own containers, controlling them through the GUI and CLI. The system allows convenient management of application data through volumes. Advanced tools such as docker inspect, docker exec and docker logs make it easy to diagnose problems. TrueNAS Scale 24.10 eliminates unnecessary complexity and gives users more freedom.

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IT for everyone

News in TrueNAS 24.10 Electric Eel - What is worth knowing?

Managing multiple XCP-ng hosts has never been so easy! With this script by Roni Väyrynen, you can install Xen Orchestra in minutes and enjoy full control over your virtualization infrastructure. In the article you will find detailed instructions, system requirements and useful commands that will make the whole process easier for you. You'll also learn how to import a configuration from an older version and how to secure access via HTTPS. Click through and see how to improve your IT environment!

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IT for everyone

XEN-ORCHESTRA - automatic installation from sources.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCbnQl79Sfw Automatyczna instalacja Xen Orchestra z wykorzystaniem skryptu Roni Väyrynen Wprowadzenie Jeśli posiadasz serwery wirtualizacyjne XCP-ng i zarządzasz wieloma maszynami wirtualnymi, warto skorzystać z narzędzia,

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IT for everyone

Overlay VPN vs Standard VPN

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eN8IeSvrGnE W dzisiejszym materiale opowiem o Overlay VPN. Przykłady takich sieci to NetBeard, ZeroTier oraz coraz bardziej popularny TailScale, którym posłużymy się jako przykładem. Nie

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IT for everyone

ZFS expansion by 1 disk - it's here!

Some time ago I did a piece on how to expand pools in TrueNAS. In it I mentioned that ZFS itself, which is the base of TrueNAS, can extend individual vDevs by one single disk. I also said that at the time this was not possible in the graphical interface.

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TrueNAS – start hardware

This material is about how to get down to choosing hardware for your first TrueNAS server. Not necessarily the fastest, not necessarily bulletproof, but a fully functioning TrueNAS as a basic component of our Data Loss Prevention

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TrueNAS - ZFS disk encryption

In practice, as we are dealing with company data, our own or even more so entrusted, it is always a good idea to keep it on encrypted drives. This makes it easier

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TrueNAS ZFS pool expansion

First, in a word of quick introduction, for details about ZFS I invite you to the material [TrueNas ZFS - why is it awesome?]. In ZFS, the organizational unit inS

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TrueNAS SCALE + Docker Compose

Z kronikarskiego obowiązku i z racji szybkich i wszelkich zmian wspomnę tylko, że materiał nagrywam na wersji TrueNAS-SCALE- aktualnej na lipiec 2023.   Jeżeli interesuje

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TrueNAS SCALE + WordPress

Today I will tell you how to simply and securely keep your own website with only TrueNAS SCALE? Well a little bit will help us Cloudflare. Free SSL certificate. Protection

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NAS yes! - FTP on TrueNAS

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) From observation, probably a fading file transfer protocol but still used in addition sometimes causes problems. Often used to upload files

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NAS yes! - NFS on TrueNAS

NFS (Network File System) A word of introduction NFS is rarely used in the Microsoft environment. Windows without additional software only in the Professional version can work with NFS

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TrueNAS - YES - but which one?

      If you're planning an adventure with TrueNAS? That's great. Wondering which version to choose? Because we have several of them. TrueNAS, FreeNAS, TrueNAS Core, TrueNAS Scale,

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