R2płatnik - backup, installations, restoration.



Today the program R2Płatnik. About how to effectively make a security copy and transfer all data to a new computer. At the outset, I just wanted to point out that the R2Płatnik program can have several modes of operation, including.

such that both the program and the database are on the same computer, and also in network operation, that is, the program and the database are on the server, and the client ends are on other devices, the so-called network operation. Here I will only discuss the case when both the database and the program are on the same device.

Let's remember that such a copy of security when we make it, we must do fairly regularly and preferably in some way automatically, and the important thing is that once there is a copy of the data, it will not be somewhere else than on the same computer where the program is, because well a copy of data in the same place is like no copy, so it is worth keeping it somewhere on some external drive or in some cloud of any type, so as to be safe in case of some failure.